The study of a grown up girl who still loves playing dress up

The study of a grown up girl who still loves to play dress up

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tartan Rose Tieback: Winterized

...By "winterized" I mean that I threw a cardigan over it... during the winter. ;) Pay no mind to my scrubby unwashed hair or snow boots!!!

Top: Anthropologie Tartan Rose Tieback - $50.00
Jeans: American Eagle {Similar} - $17.00
Ski socks: Given to me by my sister - Free
Snow boots: Sorel from - $99.00

The cold weather and snowy conditions outside are making me revert into winter homebody mode. My night will consist of drinking lots of mint tea, baking chocolate chip cookies, and making a tummy warming home cooked dinner for my babies. Ideally, I would also be organizing my closet (AKA the most deplorable closet in the history of closets) but I probably won't. My sister bought me an electric blanket and that has completely curtailed this homemaker's productivity. The combination of electric blanket + cartoons is very, very dangerous! Even Whoopi thinks so!

Stay warm!

<3 Lyzi


  1. Oh, I love those snow boots! How can I not pay attention ;-)

  2. I love them, too. I've always had a weakness for houndstooth though. :)

  3. Finally, someone gets it! Then again, it hasn't stopped me from regularly using that line. :P

  4. "your absolutely gorgeous the outfit, looks very beautiful on you love it,
